Explanation text is a text that explains about a process or sequence of phenomena. There are 2 types of explanation text; sequential and cause and effect. The purpose of the text is written to explain how and why something (natural or socio-cultural phenomena) in the world happen. The text contains the process or sequence of the phenomena. 

The generic structures of explanation text consists of three components.
  1. Title
  2. General statement -> Stating the phenomena or issues which are being explained.
  3. Explanation -> Stating the series of steps which explain the issues or phenomena. 

Understanding the Process of Tsunami

  In Indonesia in particular, we are very close to the word “Tsunami”. Indeed, natural disasters, this one never put deep scars for our nation. A few years ago, thousands of lives floated swept the Tsunami in Banda Aceh. Indonesia mourns, the world mourns. Tsunami indeed does not belong to Indonesia alone. All the countries bordering the sea and have a high potential for earthquake-prone hit by tsunami. One of them is the digdaya country with technology, Japan. Unfortunately, despite the tsunami is already so familiar, but not a few of us who do not know the true understanding of the tsunami. Such is the case with the tsunami occurrence process itself. This article tries to answer the second question.

    What Is A Tsunami?
The word “Tsunami” itself is derived from the Japan which means a huge wave (Tsu: ports and Nami: wave). An agreed definition of Adapan many people are of the tsunami is a natural disaster caused by the rising tide of the sea to the Mainland with a high speed due to the earthquake which was centered under the ocean. The quake could have been caused by a landslide, ground plates shifted, a volcano erupts and the meteor that crashed in the ocean. This usually happens when the tsunami magnitude earthquake exceeded the 7 on the richter scale. The tsunami is quite dangerous, especially for those who live in the coastal environment. With great power, he will sweep away what was spent.
The Process Of Occurrence Of Tsunamis. 

  If talking about the process of the occurrence of a tsunami, then we certainly should start from the cause, i.e. the area of the earthquake in the sea. Tsunami always starts a movement of terrific that customarily we call the earthquake. Although it is known that there are many kinds of quakes, but 90% of the tsunami caused by the movement of the plates in the belly of the Earth happens to be located there in the ocean. However, it should be also mentioned, history never recorded the terrible tsunami due to the eruption of Krakatoa.

   The earthquake that occurred in the belly of the Earth would have resulted in the emergence of pressure towards the vertical so that the ocean floor will rise and fall in a short span of time. This will then trigger an imbalance on the ocean water is then pushed into a large wave that moves mainland region.

   With great power on the water wave, the fair only if the buildings on the Mainland could be swept away easily. This tsunami waves propagate at speeds unimaginable. He could reach 500 to 1000 kilometres per hour on the sea. And by the time it reaches shore, its speed is reduced to 50 to 30 kilometers per hour. Despite the diminished rapidly, but the pace could have caused severe damage to humans.

   If we observe the process of occurrence of tsunamis, of course we understand that there is no human intervention in it. As such, we do not have control in order to prevent these causes. However, with maximum vigilance and preparation, we can minimize the impact of the tsunami itself. Good examples already shown Japan. Though prone to tsunamis, but awareness of its people is able to suppress the number of casualties due to the disaster.


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